Identifying a Shortlist of Superstar CoS Candidates

Once you have the right Chief of Staff profile, how do you identify the diamond in the rough? Follow these 5 simple steps to identify superstar CoS talent from a massive pile of candidates.

·      Evaluate their resume / LinkedIn profile to identify a background in consulting, ops and/or tech

·      Request a Loom video on background, motivation to be a Chief of Staff and their top 3 superpowers

·      Request a Personal User Guide to understand what it's like to work with them on the job (I have a Typeform template, DM me)

·      Evaluate a piece of past work product to understand their logic, writing and creativity skills

·      Assign a mini project to test speed, execution and executive presence

The best candidates have strong work experience, high EQ, impressive speed-to-execution, and unique superpowers that complement the CEO.

And if you don't believe me, take a look at the screenshot below from a seasoned Chief of Staff candidate: "Your approach to understanding candidates is a best practice I wish every company would adopt!


Overcoming a CEO Objection to Hiring a Chief of Staff