Overcoming a CEO Objection to Hiring a Chief of Staff

As a CEO, you might object to hiring a Chief of Staff. "Why would I want to hire a Chief of Staff when I can just do everything myself?" you say.

Great question I hear a lot from CEOs and top executives. Here’s how I respond in quick bullets:

●      Do you have the time and energy to execute on every priority on your list?

●      Or, do you hire someone who can take low-priority tasks off your plate and allow you to focus only on the most important matters?

●      You don’t pay for a support resource, you pay for organization, prioritization, and execution. The result?

●      You save a lot of time while improving your focus and maintaining your energy.

●      Yes, getting a Chief of Staff is expensive. But, what does not taking action cost ... your sanity? If you’re becoming a bottleneck at work, it might be wise to ask for help.


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CEO Warning Signs You Need a Chief of Staff