Chief of Staff Insights

Mackenzie Lee Mackenzie Lee

CEO-COO-CoS Interaction Model

Now that we’ve covered the Chief of Staff roles & responsibilities, we need to define the interaction model. Avoid the CEO-COO-COS Bermuda Triangle at all costs. Otherwise you'll end up in dangerous waters!

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Mackenzie Lee Mackenzie Lee

Interim Chief of Staff Playbook

Use this playbook when you are coming on as an Interim Chief of Staff.

• Remove the CEO’s #1 blocker to rapid growth

• Cut down their workload to save time

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Mackenzie Lee Mackenzie Lee

What’s a Chief of Staff? [+VIDEO]

Chief of Staff. What does that even mean?

When I founded Cedar, I talked to 50+ CEOs, founders and consultants about their definition of a Chief of Staff. I found a wide range of answers ranging from a glorified EA to a full on CEO proxy who is able to make decisions on behalf of the CEO.

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Mackenzie Lee Mackenzie Lee

Key Benefits from Hiring a CoS [VIDEO]

Now that you understand what a Chief of Staff is, let’s explore the benefits.

1. CEO Force Multiplier: a Chief of Staff can multiply and extend the capabilities of its principal so that their talent and potential are fully realized.

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Mackenzie Lee Mackenzie Lee

Reasons Why CEOs Hire a CoS

Based on the benefits alone, a CEO would probably want to hire a Chief of Staff. But here are 8 different use cases (triggers) that might also lead a CEO to pull the trigger on a CoS.

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Mackenzie Lee Mackenzie Lee

What is the Office of the CEO?

As a CEO, you may be wondering what is the Office of the CEO (OCEO)?

The OCEO is a structure or an entity that is specifically created around the CEO. Its mission is to 10x the personal impact of the CEO while also serving the company and driving operational efficiency.

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Mackenzie Lee Mackenzie Lee

Building Trust with Your CEO

Now that you understand the basics of the job, let’s move onto arguably the #1 most important thing about your job - creating trust. Please indulge me by reading on about hot sauce and chicken wings inspired trust with my CEO.

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Mackenzie Lee Mackenzie Lee

Post Layoffs Playbook

After a layoff, your team is going to be shook. Now that you’ve reduced the team, they’re going to have to do even more with less resources. Here’s a quick 5 step playbook that you can leverage.

🔷 Give respect and recognition to exits

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Mackenzie Lee Mackenzie Lee

Fractional Chief of Staff

Why do CEOs use a fractional Chief of Staff?

In our current macroeconomic environment, investors are demanding leanness within the organization. They're demanding profitability and the cost of capital is becoming more expensive.

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Mackenzie Lee Mackenzie Lee

Chief of Staff to the CXO

The Chief of Staff to CXOs will become 5x more common than the Chief of Staff to the CEO in large companies. Bold statement, I know.

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Mackenzie Lee Mackenzie Lee

Chief of Staff to the CRO

The average CRO tenure is only 18 months. People joke that it's called the C-level ejector seat. That's an insanely high turnover rate! Why is that the case?

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Mackenzie Lee Mackenzie Lee

What’s a de facto Chief of Staff?

There are 1000s of de facto Chiefs of Staff that are the unsung heroes of business. Here’s what I tell these folks to ask themselves…

Do you find yourself acting as a…

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