Have more fun :)

Are you a CEO who wakes up at 4:30am, takes ice baths, and meditates for 2 hours a day? You might not think “fun” is part of the job description, but it should be.

A CEO who makes their work more fun will see lots of benefits - from better employee engagement, more creative problem-solving and a culture that people actually want to work in.

So what can you do to make your work more fun?

Start by conducting your own “fun audit” - what are the activities, times, places, and people you enjoy working with the most?

Then take stock of the tasks that aren’t as fun that sap your energy and drain your time. Think about how you can delegate or outsource those.

Finally, always remember to ask the why questions - are you doing something just because it’s always been done or is there a different and more fun way?

Getting to the top is hard work. But that doesn’t mean you can’t still have some fun along the way.


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